The Destined Dream

“Life is a journey, not a destination.” This all too famous quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson has been so callously exploited over time, that it is now almost a cliché. My intention here is not to dwell on the philosophies that have been handed down over the ages; I’m just trying to connect a few dots that occurred at various points in time and in retrospect, turned out to be a journey that I now believe was destined. The journey that I unknowingly embarked upon in my childhood culminated in a destination that I never thought was reachable, primarily because I was oblivious of the journey itself. But was this the destination? Or was it the start of a new journey?

The Ignition: St. Mary’s School, Class 7- the first Spelling Bee Competition held in our school and one of my first attempts at pushing a team I led over to the victory line. I had managed to spell correctly all but one word, shot out to me by the host, Mrs. Ritu Nathani, to help my team bag the 1st spot in the competition.

A few months later, after returning from a social get-together my mother mentioned to me, “I met your teacher, Mrs. Nathani. She was very impressed with your performance at the Spelling Bee and was pleasantly surprised that you could flawlessly spell even a word like ‘champagne’ at your age. By the way, do you know that her husband Arun Nathani is the CEO of a software company called Cybage?”

“No, I didn’t know that. Wow! He’s a CEO! Mom,” I enthused, barely able to control my excitement, “Can I please meet Arun Uncle?”

Laughing and brushing off my childish request she said, “I’ll ask Ritu Miss the next time I meet her. Keep your questions ready!”

Years elapsed and my desire for a rendezvous with the only CEO I was remotely connected to back then, faded into a distant memory.

The Accelerator: VIIT, Campus Placement, June 2013- “Congratulations to all of you! Welcome to Cybage.” I could hardly hear the HR representative’s voice as I read the terms of my first offer letter and put down my consenting signature. As I read and reread every printed word on that letter, gazing at the logo of the company that I would soon be associated with, realization hit me like a bullet meeting its target. The forgotten conversation with my mom from precisely a decade ago flashed across my mind, which was already flurried with mixed emotions.

I had just been recruited in Arun Uncle’s company!

I wondered…was this just a coincidence or was it meant to be? Was it possible that my seemingly forgotten desire had not in fact been forgotten by the universe?

Near Misses: December 2013 - As the convener of a national level Entrepreneurship Summit, Vishwapreneur, hosted annually by our college, I was on the lookout for entrepreneurs and industrialists from various sectors to motivate young budding entrepreneurs, who would participate in the convention. The IT sector was still untouched. Once again a conversation with mom ensued, but this time a little differently, “Why don’t you invite Arun Nathani?”

“Mom, that’s a great idea! Why didn’t it occur to me?”

I set about the formalities of approaching our guest speaker with an invitation and even getting the publicity material ready, only to receive a drafted apologetic decline from the other end. I was disappointed but not disheartened, and resolved to try again the following year.

June 2014 - During my first few days at Cybage, my subconscious mind was preoccupied, looking for the CEO, whom I had been itching to meet ever since I understood what CEO meant. Of course, by now Arun Uncle had been mentally rechristened Arun Sir 😀.

The moment caught me off guard, when we happened to walk into the same elevator. My first glimpse of him made me stop dead in my tracks. My mind froze.Years ago I had yearned for this, but now I was unprepared. I contemplated running out of the elevator, but the doors closed just as I imagined escaping. I stared at him as he stared into his phone. I opened my mouth to say something smart, but closed it as nothing came out. The soft ping of the elevator signaled the end of my discomfort and I dashed out. I thought I caught his eye but was too terrified to look back.

October 2014- I had been reading Arun Sir’s blogs extensively during my days in Resource Pool. In his latest blog, he welcomed innovative comments with the prize of an exclusive dinner with him. The elevator incident made me want to redeem myself. Could this be my chance to finally meet the person I had now begun to idolize? I spent weeks waiting for a moment of epiphany that would catapult me straight into the dinner party. Before I could even think of putting down my views, the next post was published with a glorious photograph of Arun Sir and the smiling victors. My self-consciousness had got the better of me and I had missed the boat yet again!

Destination in Sight but not Destined: December 2014 - My lost opportunity for the dinner had given birth to a new resolve. It was time for Vishwapreneur 2015 and a renewed attempt at inviting the elusive Arun Sir. I began to explore my network of contacts to connect with him so that I could approach him with a strong backing. I managed to dig up some stones, but again my efforts yielded no fruit. I was still not ready to accept defeat.

A few days later, my team was shifted temporarily to some of the cubicles located outside the auditorium at Cybage. One afternoon, I saw preparations on in full swing for a presentation. This must be one important presentation, I thought to myself. And then I saw him; Arun Sir smiling warmly at the staff outside as he made his way into the auditorium. As the doors closed, I walked over to the Training Team executive and made enquiries. I learnt that Arun Sir conducts presentations on management and leadership lessons nearly every week. My spirits soared. What could be better than to gain insight on subjects I loved, from a person I admired?

“Can I attend too? I’d really like to. Please send me an invite”, I implored.

“I’m sorry, it’s only for employees above Level 3 and you’re just a fresher. Your time will come”, she smiled almost apologetically. I had been turned down not by destiny, but by regulations this time.

As I walked back to my desk with a heavy heart, I saw him come out of the auditorium and go into the adjacent conference room. I was back in conversation with the executive, who was now mildly puzzled by my extensive interrogation.

“He takes breaks while the movie is on.”

“Is it possible for me to speak to him, while he is on these breaks?”

“Yes. I suppose you can. Give it a shot if it means so much to you.”

I observed his movements for the next hour. He came out nearly every 15 minutes or so. I decided it was time. The little voice inside my being urged me to go ahead. I prepared my short speech to invite him to the convention. Mustering courage from every cell of my body, I finally walked to the door of the conference room, where I knew I would find him. I hoped that he wasn’t too busy and wouldn’t get annoyed by my intrusion. This was it…more than 10 years overdue. I took a deep breath to tame the butterflies in my stomach as I pushed open the heaviest door I have ever pushed.

“Excuse me sir, may I have a few minutes of yours?” I asked, my voice nearly quivering on the last syllable.

He glanced up at me over the rim of his spectacles for a split second and then broke into a warm smile.

“Sure. Come in.”

He put down his file as he offered me a seat before him. I put on a façade of confidence to conceal the raging sea of nervousness within. I introduced myself and told him briefly about the event. I even revealed that this was the second time I was inviting him. He struck a conversation with me and said that he would definitely try to make it, now that a Cybagian had approached him directly. He asked me to drop him an email with the details and I left feeling on top of the world.

My happiness was short lived as the invite was turned down yet again due his busy travel schedule. A few weeks later, I chanced upon his path outside the auditorium again and greeted him. To my pleasant surprise he recognized me. “Are you stalking me, Ms. Advani? It won’t make me come to your event”, he quipped.

“No!” I turned the colour of a beetroot. “The event is over anyway”, I followed up meekly. After exchanging pleasantries, I said to him in jest but with conviction in my mind, “I will come back to you with an invite next year again sir.”

The HIT: May 2015 – A new blog post sparking a debate about the Salman Khan verdict with the lure of Arun Sir’s dinner party came my way. This time I didn’t think of the outcome. I just wanted to overcome my innate desire for perfection and go for it. This time it wasn’t for just for the prize; it was more for transcending my personal inhibitors that had held me back 6 months ago. I expressed my views and then… I waited. As my luck would have it, the call came at a time, when I was least prepared for it.

“Arun really liked your comment on his blog and has invited you for dinner at his home.” I could hardly hear his assistant’s voice over the phone amidst the din of the cafeteria.

“Th..Thanks...”  I fumbled for words.

“Do you know his address?”

“No, I’m sorry.” I hoped that I didn’t sound stupid.

“Don’t worry. I’ll send it to you. And, Congratulations!”

I was in a daze. It took me a while to process what had happened. Had I just been invited to dinner by the person I had been inviting for 2 years in a row? But this story began 12 years ago…was this my childhood dream coming true? Was it meant to play out like this or was destiny compelled by my persistence to finally give me what I wanted? Was this the destination of a long journey or just a juncture in one that is still to reach its culmination? Is it true that if you desire something with all your heart the universe conspires to give it to you?

27 May, 2015 - I like to think of it as an achievement that I was the youngest invitee at the dinner that night. I soaked in the atmosphere and captured every single moment to cherish for life. Fascinated by the diversity of personalities and experience surrounding me, I chose to listen more and speak less.

“Will you have some champagne, Nisha?” asked my Spelling Bee host, Mrs. Ritu Nathani.

“I could spell it back then. I’ll surely have some now!” I laughed.

With Mr. and Mrs. Nathani

Just as we were leaving, there were two things still on my mind. Before I could voice either, Arun Sir said, “So, whoever comes to my house also gets invited to my presentations irrespective of their designation.” I was thrilled! Now I would not have to wait another decade to take a leaf out of the book of the first CEO I ever knew.

However, I had one more unresolved concern as we were walking towards the gate. “Sir, your stalker comment really threw me off. I disappeared into a hole and made sure I didn’t show myself in front of you”, I smiled shyly.

This time it was his turn to colour. “Oh! I didn’t mean it that way at all..." After a moment’s pause he added, “I will definitely come for your event one of these days.” Internally doing a victory dance, I maintained my calm demeanour.

The next afternoon I reached the auditorium well in time for the presentation. “Arun Sir’s presentation?” I inquired of the same Training Executive.


“He invited me”, I beamed.

I listened with rapt attention throughout the presentation. I didn’t even distract myself to take notes. After it ended, Arun Sir and I entered the same elevator. This time, the tense and awkward silence was replaced by a free flowing conversation. The tables had truly turned. Everything had come around a full circle. I was in an almost meditative state.

Never leave the reigns of your dreams. Even if you aren’t driving them consciously; at a subconscious level, someone or something else probably is. Some dreams come true simply because we believe they will...


  1. Your achievement is in harmony with the lines quoted by Walt Disney - "If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse."
    Although sub-consciously, but you did it. This explains why everyone should have a dream and take efforts towards them so as to accomplish them and dream again.

  2. Wow..I didn't realize that the conversation we had so many years ago was etched in your memory and that you held onto your desire for so long! May God bless you always and give you the strength to fulfill all your dreams :-)

  3. Hey Nisha so well written! You will reach the sky one day.Follow your dreams one by one,you will go places my dear!

  4. Very well written Nisha.... keep it up!

  5. Its all about surprises...
    You never know whats next in line...


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