Responding to Restlessness

A familiar sense of ennui settled like a blanket over my heavy heart as I pulled into the parking lot. The work blues were easing their way in again, smirking at having found a ready victim in my already downcast state of mind. A cold gust of wind sent a shiver through me and the bleak sunshine delivered but little warmth to pull me out of the doldrums.

The now mundane routine ostensibly assumed a life of its own as my mind wandered beyond the robotic regime. The "beep" of my i-card against the reader marked my entry, making me feel rather like a component in an assembly line. The "ping" of the elevator was a momentary distraction in my languorous reverie as my feet mechanically found their way in.

Meanwhile, my eyes assimilated a fading i-card hanging off the belt of a tall gentleman; its barely visible employee id signifying that its owner had easily served more than a decade at the company. The intelligent sharp eyes of the wearer were fitted with a pair of rimless glasses, complementing his lanky frame, attired smartly in formals, complete with a tie. His salt-and-pepper hair and matching moustache were the perfect adjunct. He walked out of the elevator with a definite sense of purpose – confidence in his gait, clutching a cup of tea in one hand and carrying years of experience in the other, while I was left trying to visualise myself 10 years down the line. It was obvious he had his agenda for the day planned out and was taking it head on; I was shying in the shadows, mulling over how to pull through my agonizingly bland routine.

To say that another year has flown past would be a slight understatement. The time to bid adieu to 2015 arrived sooner than anticipated. A single day viewed in silo seems to just drag on, but collectively, in retrospect, one tends to feel that Time should be charged with a speeding ticket! Paradoxical, isn’t it?!

The commencement of a new year usually witnesses people throwing themselves into celebratory fervour. For me, there is no better time for personal reflection. As I don the introspective hat, quiet contemplation indicates a restlessness simmering within the realms of my subconscious. The gentleman in my story seemed perfectly comfortable with his chalked-out daily routine. I am clearly not. Monotony is something I detest. A driver for one might well be an inhibitor for another; after all, what might fuel one may act as a dampener for another! 

Morose thoughts, these. But, for most people around me, I’ve observed a gap between where they are and where they would like to be; between who they are and who they imagine themselves to be. It is this chasm between the person we actually see in the mirror and the reflection that we want to see that is perhaps the root of this restiveness within.  The triggers are unique and individualistic. Some are aware of it; others are not. Some choose to respond to them; others shut them out and plod on.

A close peek into the lives of successful people often reveals an underlying restlessness beneath the calm, composed demeanour - an indefatigable urge to constantly push their boundaries. This points to a constructive, calculated response to one’s restlessness that ensures a sustained 3600 growth on the professional and personal fronts!  

Coming back to the hour glass trickling sand, aren’t New Year Resolutions too a way of responding to your restlessness and heralding a small change in your lifestyle? Revamping your thought processes and reinventing your personality? Your subconscious playing instigator to your conscious decision towards personal improvement?

The phenomenon is universal. I’m curious to know what makes you restless. How do you respond to this?  Does your mind too ride the tide of exultation before it wallows amongst the splintered shell that the wave has thrown forth? 

Do share your thoughts here…

Wishing you a spectacular 2016!


  1. I envision myself as an entrepreneur few years down the line, I think it's the entrepreneur's paranoia which makes him/her restless. I feel restless every single day. How i respond to this is, i stack all my learning and experiences in the memory lane and fetch them whenever i need them. I respond to my restlessness in organized manner.
    I feel, being restless it like blood flowing through your body, if you aren't restless then you should think whether you're truly alive?

  2. Oh my God, Nisha you write so well,you will be a great Novelist soon.Keep it up.

  3. Kudos girl. Yuur descriptions are palpable. You make one feel the energies or the lack of them. This is easily fiction- writing material. Chew on it. Maybe you should begin writing a story.
    Proud of you.
    May the best of the dictionary visit your vocab and mould you into a sensitive author.
    Always the best for you.

  4. According to Maslow's need of hierarchy, one individual is restless throughout even if he satisfies his multiple needs. this restlessness keeps him motivated. restlessness is a symbol of life in you. I would also like to cite the example of some personalities like Narendra Modi, Barack Obama and Shahrukh Khan who have publicly confessed about their restlessness. In fact all of them sleep for a minimal 4 hours a day. What does it conclude? Its actually their restlessness to make tomorrow better than today. So the bottom line is be restless and rest less. With this article you have reinstated the Entrepreneurial Restlessness boiling in you. All the best !

  5. The depth and inspired writing in this blog is provocative and subconsciously gets the mind to contemplate ... I would say that in itself speaks highly of what a talented writer you are... beautifully written. Hats off to you Nisha!

  6. Very well written, Nisha ! I think it's human nature to gone through this tide/cycle.
    Have you seen animated movie called "Inside Out" ? :) They have shown very interesting stuff about human emotions and individual personalities...


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