Friend, I Miss You...

November 27, 2019 Today is no special day. I haven’t woken up feeling any different or particularly inspired. It is just another day. Another day of being cognizant of everything that has changed over the last 18 months; inherently grateful for the things I’ve gained and acquiescent of those that I’ve lost… Snuggling lazily on my couch, clad in cozy festive pajamas, I savor the warmth of my customary cup of morning coffee. My thoughts meander. The warm, cinnamon-infused waking aroma is the perfect aide to the backdrop outside my window. Winter is exerting brute force, demanding an early entry, while Fall is unrelenting, petulant at her short sojourn, and pushing back to linger on for just a bit longer. Perhaps this scuffle between the seasons is giving way to an unusually windy day. I feel as though the wind stirring up the fallen leaves, mirrors something within me. I cannot quite place my finger on it. But I sense the once-familiar makings of a metaphor....