Sky is not the Limit...

“We are flying at 10,000 feet… ascending to 11,000 feet… 13,000 feet… 15,000 feet. Open the door guys we’re in the drop zone now.” The pilot's voice cut through the electric environment of the tiny airplane. “Are you nervous?” my instructor gently inquired as he double-checked the straps that had me fastened to his jumpsuit. “Not at all!” I grinned like a daredevil. As the door of the aircraft was opened, he repeated the instructions on how to stabilize myself against air resistance. We walked towards the doorway with me in front. It was noisy and windy. Feet on the step, facing the prop blast, I got a bird’s eye view of the crystal clear waters of the Bay and the map-like terrain below, before I strapped the protective frame onto my eyes. “Ready?” screamed Brandon into my ears, against the blasting wind. “YES!! Since forever!” I screamed out into the open nothingness. “3..2..1..” Our feet left the secure floor...