The Destined Dream

“Life is a journey, not a destination.” This all too famous quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson has been so callously exploited over time, that it is now almost a cliché. My intention here is not to dwell on the philosophies that have been handed down over the ages; I’m just trying to connect a few dots that occurred at various points in time and in retrospect, turned out to be a journey that I now believe was destined. The journey that I unknowingly embarked upon in my childhood culminated in a destination that I never thought was reachable, primarily because I was oblivious of the journey itself. But was this the destination? Or was it the start of a new journey? The Ignition : St. Mary’s School, Class 7 - the first Spelling Bee Competition held in our school and one of my first attempts at pushing a team I led over to the victory line. I had managed to spell correctly all but one word, shot out to me by the host, Mrs. Ritu Nathani, to help my team bag the 1 st spot in the competitio...