The Beginning
I had been toying with the idea of starting my blog since quite a while to document my random musings, to bestow life to those evanescent thoughts that flit through my head all day and partially (I admit with utmost humility :-) ) because I had been previously conferred with generous praise about my writing on numerous occasions which naturally kindled the spark. However, there is an inherent inertia that needs to be overcome to plunge from the realm of thought into the sea of action. How many times have you thought about doing something but never actually got down to doing it? Whether it’s pursuing a forgotten hobby, reconnecting with a distant friend or trying out that new workout regime, our mind has a tendency to give us daily feeds that, if actually implemented, would perhaps present us with a more fulfilling experience of going about our mundane daily routines.'s the catch! We only go as far as thinking. Some of the more determined souls ...